The Club House has a number of Honoursboards, that record them whats held Offocer roles, winners of the internal competitions and whom have done well in external competitions and held external roles.
Year | Australian Pairs | Handicap Pairs | Arthur Johnson Triples | Memorial Competition | Bickford Fours | Centenary Cup - 'Layzell Fours' |
2021 | Not Played | Not Played | Not Played | Not Played | Not Played | Not Played |
2020 | M Kemp, T Reeks | Not Played | Not Played | Not Played | Not Played | Not Played |
2019 | J. Blackburn, A. Parkinson | # | A. Hogan, P. Bright, J. Tundervary | C. Norris, G. Leeding, S. Short, A. Thorpe | # | M. Havecroft, S. Short, R. Bickford, W. Norcup |
2018 | A. Hogan, G. Leeding | # | A. Hogan, C. Norris, G. Walker | D. Bunker, R. Tyler, J. Wootton, M. Vacher | # | B. Locke, G. McGhie, R. Massey, L. Smith |
2017 | P. Harris, B. Lorkin | # | M. Vacher, M. Warr, S. Short | R. Parsons, R. Massey, A. Hogan | J. Murray, B. Parsons, R. Massey, S. Short | J. Wootten, C. Norris, P. Stanley, S. Short |
2016 | A. Claggett, S. Short | # | B. Norcup, J. Telling, S. Short | # | D. Bunker, T. Reeks, B. Lorkin, S. Appleton | Not Played |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | Open Pairs | Australian Pairs | Arthur Johnson Triples | Memorial Competition | Centenary Cup - 'Layzell Fours' | Bickford Fours |
2015 | M. Bunclark, D. Bull | G. McGhie, R. Chinery | A. Seddon, S. Gunnell | P. Harris, C. Norris, B. Parsons | P. Harris, P. Stanley, S. Short | T. Neil, A. Hogan, B. Parsons, P. Stanley |
Not Played |
2014 | W. Norcup, I. Colston | M. Bunclark, D. Bull | A. Claggett, S. Short | M. Shaw, K. Wittig, J. Blackburn | P. Harris, J. Goring, B. Lorkin | L. J. Telling, I. Colston, A. Fry, B. Lorkin | L. P. Telling, L. J. Telling, J. T. Telling, R. Telling |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | Open Pairs | Australian Pairs | Arthur Johnson Triples | Memorial Competition | Centenary Cup - 'Layzell Fours' | McDowell Fours |
2013 | L. P. Telling, J. Flower | P. Bright, R. Telling | G. McGhie, D. Cocklin | R. Cross, R. Adamson, D. Bunker | B. Lorkin, J. Russell, R. Tyler, R. Telling | L. J. Telling, A. Thorpe, G. McGhie, B. Lorkin | V. Pates, A. Eva, J. Blackburn, J. Flower |
2012 | A. Thorpe, G. McGhie | R. Collins, J. Russell | D. Bunker, D. Broomfield | D. Bunker, P. Harris, T. Cole | D. Bull, G. Walker, R. Tyler, D. Cocklin | A. Eva, R. Adamson, B. Lorkin, R. Dent | R. Bickford, M. Havercrodt, A. Claggett, R. Tyler |
2011 | M. Bunclark, D. Bull | R. Collins, J. Russell | D. Horsley, S. Schaffer | J, Flaherty, R. Massey, F. Hull | D. Whittock, M. Havercroft, A. Fry | J. Wootton, D. Bull, K. Wittig, F. Hull | T. Neil, M. Bunclark, J. Flower, S. Gunnell |
2010 | D. Bunker, G. Martin | R. Dent, M. Shaw | T. Davies, D. Brannon | K. Fendt, B. Lorkin, D. Cocklin | P. Stanley, D. Cocklin, M. Shaw | E. Roberts, T. Neil, T. Adamson, J. Stokes | B. Cooper, K. Fendt, P. Croucher, J. Flower |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | Australian Pairs | Arthur Johnson Triples | Memorial Competition | Centenary Cup - 'Layzell Fours' | McDowell Fours |
2009 | T. O'Connor, J. Bunce | J. Vance, J. Bunce | D. Bailey, J. Flaherty, T. Willson | B. Smith, R. Davies, D. Bunce | D. Duffy, R. Cross, B. Lorkin, G. Martin | M. Bunclark, R. Dent, B. Smith, R. Collins |
2008 | D. Whyte, J. Vance | A. Claggett, J. Bunce | R. Hammond, B. Smerdon, D. Bunce | J. Wootton, J. Vousden, E. Roberts | K. Moore, W. Wellstead, D. Broomfield, D. Buchanon | J. Vance, B. Smerdon, D. Broomfield, F. Singleton |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | Australian Pairs | Arthur Johnson Triples | Centenary Cup - 'Layzell Fours' | McDowell Fours |
2007 | P. Stanley, T. Willson | J. Russell, B. Hennessy | B. Lorkin, K. Fendt, D. Bunce | J. Vousden, K. Fendt, R. Massey, D. Bunce | R. Dent, D. Bunker, J. Flower, S. Gunnell |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | Open Pairs | Australian Pairs | Memorial Competition | Arthur Johnson Triples | McDowell Fours |
2006 | R. Collins, D. Longhurst | J. Flower, S. Gunnell | D. Broomfield, R. Bickford | D. Bailey, J. Flaherty, T. Willson | S. Kinerman, D. Buchanan, J. Stokes | D. Bailey, J. Flaherty, J. Blackburn, J. Stokes |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | Australian Pairs | Arthur Johnson Triples | McDowell Fours |
2005 | R. Collins, D. Longhurst | D. Brannon, S. Gunnell | H. Foreman, F. Deeks, D. Brannon | M. Bullock, J. Vance, A. Flux, R. Chapman |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | All Day Open Pairs Trophy | Australian Pairs | Arthur Johnson Triples | Memorial Trophy | McDowell Fours |
2004 | J. Bunce, R. Cross | M. McDowell, J. Lewis | J. Flower, A. Veitch | T. Willson, D. Bunce, S. Gifford | D. Bunce, J. Flaherty, F. Deeks | R. Massey, D, Whittock, F. Singleton, G. Martin |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | All Day Open Pairs Trophy | Arthur Johnson Triples | Memorial Trophy | McDowell Fours |
2003 | K. Moore, B. Smerdon | M. McDowell, J. Lewis | J. Munns, D. Robinson, J. Bunce | G. Bunce, D. Broomfield, K. Moore, G. Martin | R. Parsons, L. Hannaby, A. Flux, S. Gunnell |
2002 | J. Lewis, E. Robinson | D. Buchannan, F. Hull | J. Stokes, J. Hooper, C. Rackham | T. Willson, L. Sutton, J. Flaherty, G. Bunce | F. Singleton, D. Bunce, G. Bunce, R. Cross |
2001 | J. Bunce, D. Bunce | E. Roberts, T. Willson | J. Lewis, G. Bell, J. Webster | E. Roberts, G. Martin, G. Sargeant, P. Kinerman | J. Lewis, S. Kinerman, E. Robinson, J. Banfield |
Year | Lewis and Webster Trophy | Arthur Johnson Triples | Memorial Trophy | McDowell Fours |
2000 | F. Singleton, S. Gifford | J. Lewis, H. Foreman, S. Kinnerman | S. Appleton, J. Hooper, P. Kinerman, J. Flaherty | A. Claggett, A. Linegar, R. Bickford, R. Tyler |
1999 | K. Moore, D. Buchannon | R. Shillitto, D. Campling, M. Havercroft | R. Tyler, K. Palmer, A. Linegar, H. Wood | J. Blackburn, M. Havercroft, B. Norris, F. Hull |